Lightening Pole Systems
Street and road lighting poles, motorway, highway lighting park and gardin lighting poles, camera poles, high-rise lighting poles, decorative lighting poles are manufactured and assembled by our specialist team.
The lighting poles, that are sold by  İdeal Teknik Yapı Enerji ve Endüstriyel Kalıp A.Ş., are on the foreground with their aesthetic, creative and different design. Our purpose; It is not only the illumination of the places but also the creation of a friandly, modern and aesthetic living spaces in nature in the urban texture.

Lighting poles for urban and intercity roads, for lighting of parks and gardens, in different types and alternatives are produced as double concoles or single concoles.

Oun company has a wide range of products for lighting poles and also can design in special projects depending on the requests from the customers.

1 Decoretive Lighting Poles
2- Polygon Lighting Poles
3- Pipe Lighting Poles

Street and root lighting poles, motorway highway lighting, park and garden lighting poles, camera poles, and high lighting are produced and assembled by our expert team.

Areas of use;

Lighting Poles Special Manufactureing and Assembly According to Requirement